When it comes to giving feedback, I am a “Reactor,” meaning, I may have a knee-jerk reaction to speak in the moment, leading with what went wrong versus what went right! I am working on this. Please be patient with me, but call me out too. 🙏🏽
I’m analytical. While I’m able to share my thoughts on a topic and answer questions off the cuff, I’m almost always going to have keener insights after I’ve had time to process.
I’m not the best person to talk to if you want to gossip. It feels so unproductive, and I’ll be disinterested.
I’m also not the best person to talk to if you want to commiserate. I might annoy you with my attempts to problem-solve. I'm learning and growing as a "listener" who will give you the opportunity to just be heard, and mastering this skill takes time.
If you call, I likely won’t answer. 😔 It’s not personal. It’s just that I’m a mom of FOUR, entrepreneur, professor, etc, and I am going a million miles per hour. There’s never an opportune time to answer an unexpected call. Scheduling time to talk is more helpful for me (or hit me up on Marco Polo, Teams, Text, or Signal). ;)
I don’t like to be called, “girl.” My grandmother grew up in Montgomery, Alabama, and worked as a maid in White people’s homes — ever seen the movie, “The Help”? Even as ELDERS, she and all other Blacks, no matter their age, were called “gal” and “boy.” I feel that in my bones when I am called “girl.”